- At February 06, 2019
- By sandrap
- In Uncategorized, What's On
Newton Village Hall will be hosting a St Patricks Day celebration with local group ‘FLOOD’. The event will take place on Friday 15th March commencing 7.30pm. Tickets cost £10 per person and includes a pie and pea supper. The licensed bar will be open. For details please contact Aldwyth Tel 01200 446437 or email aldwythpea@gmail.com
- At October 29, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, Village News, What's On
There will be a performance of a play written by Alan Stockdill entitled Godfreys Last Love on Saturday 16th December 2017
in Newton Village Hall commencing 7.30pm.
Tickets cost £8 per person and will include light refreshments. The bar will be open.
For enquiries or to reserve tickets please contact Aldwyth Pearson Tel 01200 446437 or email aldwyth.pea@gmail.com
- At October 29, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Village News, What's On
There will be an Old Time Music Hall performance on Saturday 2nd December 2017 at Newton Village Hall commencing 7.30pm. Light refreshments will be available, and the licensed bar will be open.
Tickets cost £7 per adult and £3.50 for children and are available by contacting Aldwyth Pearson Tel 01200 446437 or email aldwyth.pea@gmail.com
- At October 29, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, Village News, What's On
The next meeting for Newton-in-Bowland Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 15th November 2017 at 7.30pm in Newton Village Hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend, if you would like to place an item on the agenda please contact Sandra Pinder Tel 01200 448289 or email sandra@boarsdenfarm.plus.com
- At September 07, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Village News, What's On
The next meeting of Newton-in-Bowland Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 20th September 2017 at 7.30pm in Newton Village Hall.
Everyone is welcome to attend, if there are any items to be added to the agenda please contact the clerk, Sandra Pinder Tel 01200 448289 or email sandra@boarsdenfarm.plus.com
- At September 07, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, Village News, What's On
Blackpool Tower Organist John Bowdler will be providing the music for a dance to be held at Newton-in-Bowland Village Hall On Friday 27th October 2017, commencing 7.45pm. There will be a licensed bar, supper and raffle.
Tickets cost £10 per person.
There is also going to be a Christmas Dance on Friday 1st December 2017 and New Years Eve Party on 31st December 2017.
For enquiries and to reserve tickets please contact Marjorie Tel 01200 446643
- At May 04, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, Village News, What's On
The annual meeting of Newton-in-Bowland Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 17th May 2017 at 7.30pm in Newton Village Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend and if something is to be added to the agenda please contact Mrs S Pinder Tel 01200 448289
- At April 03, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, What's On
Ever dreamed of walking on the red carpet at the premier of a new play or film? Well now you can.
Newton-in-Bowland Village Hall Committee is pleased to present the world premier of Alan Stockdills’ new play ‘Dark Sky’. By the same writer and production company that brought you ‘Godfreys Last Stand’, this play sees the Dark Sky animal rights group planning an audacious strike against the Sutton Life Sciences laboratory. But is everyone who they appear to be? Who can you trust? Are they dangerous or just a hapless group of amateurs? Inspired by a real story, ‘Dark Sky is a black comedy with more than a twist or two.
The script flies off the page with energy, comedy, twists, turns and surprises. One minute you will be speculating, the next you’ll be shocked. Laughing, then considering. It’s not all black and white, there are several shades of grey.
When the Sky gets Dark will we see the Light?
Join us on Saturday April 22nd at 7.30pm to find out what happens.
Tickets are £7 per person, include light refreshments and there will be a licensed bar.
Why not dress up for this red carpet occasion!
Tickets available from Alddwyth Tel 01200 446437 email nev2new@gmail.com
- At March 19, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Village News, What's On
The village hall committee will be holding a dance to the music of Blackpool Tower organist, John Bowdler. on Friday 5th May 2017 commencing 7.45pm.
There will be a supper, raffle and tickets cost £10 per person.
If you would like to reserve a place please contact Marjorie, Tel 01200 446643
- At March 19, 2017
- By sandrap
- In General, Uncategorized, Village News, What's On
The annual village hall duck race will be held on bank holiday Monday 1st May 2017 at 2pm, with all proceeds going to Newton-in-Bowland Village Hall.
Ducks cost £1 each and are available by contacting Sandra Tel 01200 448289, or see any member of the village hall committee.
There will be numerous prizes and the first 3 lucky winners will receive cash prizes
1st prize £100 2nd prize £50 3rd Prize £25
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